Foolish Fridays Season 1

Waving Fools.jpeg

Performed on the digital stage

What’s a Commedia dell’Arte theatre company to do in the midst of a pandemic? Answer: Foolish Fridays! The esteemed company members of Faction of Fools created a series chock full of dynamic, short, fun videos released every Friday for 12 weeks. Foolish Fridays are meant to provide a little Commedia dell'Arte amuse bouche!

Foolish Fridays features company members John Bellomo, Danny Cackley, Francesca Chilcote, Colin Connor, Natalie Cutcher, Tyler Herman, Darius Johnson, Drew Kopas, Ben Lauer, Rachel Spicknall Mulford, Toby Mulford, Jack Novak, Matthew Pauli, Matthew R. Wilson, and Kathryn Zoerb.

Watch Season 1 of Foolish Fridays!


Watch our 3-Part Holiday Special!


Did you miss the virtual closing night party of Foolish Fridays??:

Watch it on Facebook by clicking HERE!

A Toast to Friday the 13th (Episode)!

Animated by Colin Connor

Grab your apple brandy, cozy clothes, and spooky vibes and watch "A Toast to Friday the 13th (Episode)!", the virtual closing night party of Foolish Fridays, our 12 week online video series. Click the link above!

Greg Benson, host of Back Bar Podcast and Faction of Fools' virtual opening night party, returns to host the evening's festivities. Join Faction and Greg as he guides us through how to make some apple brandy cocktails (and mocktails! Oh my!) and chats about the history and joy of apple brandy.